Optometry and Vision Therapy
In practice I work with many children who have difficulties with spatial awareness – knowing firstly where they are in space and subsequently knowing where they are relative to everything around them.
This can result in a wide variety of difficulties from clumsiness to letter reversals, from restless sleep, to anxiousness.
To know where you are in space, you first need to be ‘in your body’ as opposed to being ‘in your head’.
I approached Alexis to collaborate in supporting these children because Alexis lives life from her body; connected to it and super sensitive to all the subtle communications from it.
Alexis’ first comment when we sat down to discuss this was "it is not only the children who need a moment to deeply rest and connect to their bodies, but their parents too", hence these 3 super-gorgeous meditations were recorded.
"The beauty of these 're-connection to body' meditations is that we all have a body and that we take our body with us wherever we go. All three of these meditations support us to connect deeply, thereby enabling us to truly feel what it's like to be connected to our bodies, which in turn makes it easier for us all to choose to re-connect to ourselves throughout our day regardless of where we are or what we're doing." - Alexis Stewart
Childrens body connection meditation
(15 min)
Although kids are naturally connected to their bodies, during times of stress, or when they're having trouble sleeping for example, they often find it difficult to maintain that connection. This meditation supports children and young adults to re-connect to their bodies and reminds them of the natural simplicity of living from a place of connection.
Adults body connection meditation - sitting (23 min)
We spend so much of our time in almost perpetual motion, not just physical motion but mental unrest as well. This deeply connective meditation supports us to re-connect to our bodies and through that re-connection gives the body the opportunity to let go of ingrained tension and to return itself to a more harmonious way of being.
Adults body connection meditation - lying down (17 min)
A deeply stilling meditation that supports us to come out of our heads and to drop into our bodies. A meditation that facilitates the natural letting go that happens when we re-connect with ourselves through our bodies. An opportunity to ‘re-set’ ourselves.
We recommend that you find a quiet room in the home with a comfortable chair, or mattress on the floor, with suitable cushions (and a blanket if you choose)
These audios have been produced for the patients of Light Optometry through a collaboration between Carmin Hall and Alexis Stewart, with all background music to the meditations courtesy of Chris James (https://chrisjames.net/store/welcome/)